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CCSD Technology Integration Primary Writing Workshop 


Day 1: Thinking about BOYS and BRAINS - The Impact of Visual Literacy on Writing

Writing Activities and Resources for Day One



Day 2: Thinking about the 21st Century Learner- Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Activities and Resources for Day Two


Workshop Goals and Objectives:

• What are the facts about boys that makes them "at risk" in school?

• What are the differences in the brain development of boys and girls?

• What are some effective instructional practices that can support both boys and girls to become great writers?

      - How can the use of technology tools and resources support both teachers and students?

• How can you use a collection of online visual images that can be used for writing activities?

• How can create slide shows and photo books be used to engage all writers?


Workshop Documents, Surveys, Assessments


21st Century Education Survey

Please take this survey


Here's What, Now What, So What?    

   Use this 3 column note guide to identify the facts and ideas that are important to you while reading about boys and learning.  What implications does the Here’s What have for the learning of both boys and girls, and what activities and applications of technology can best support the Now What’s?      

 Here's What Notes



Consider This

A collection of research notes about boys and girls and their learning differences



Continuing your work for Day 2 ...



Prior to Day 2 Workshop complete these activities:

1.  Try slide shows, making iPhoto books, or other writing activities that integrate visual images to engage your students' interests and skills in writing.

2.  Reflect on your focus students' levels of engagement during your activities/lesson(s).




Comments (9)

Anonymous said

at 3:38 pm on Sep 16, 2008

wow! I learned a wealth of information today that I can't wait to bring back to my classroom.I am going to work on providing my students with real life images so that they can feel like they are experiencing and are in the moment.I am planning on incorporating I photo into my India unit.

Anonymous said

at 3:41 pm on Sep 16, 2008

I will definitely keep in mind that boys are 1 and a half years behind girls when it comes to verbal skills. Also, boys really need to see the big picture (general) first and then move to specific. Visuals, visuals, visuals! I will be incorporating more visuals through technology and through Flickr!

Anonymous said

at 3:17 pm on Oct 2, 2008

I loved to create the flickr slide shows and learn how to create the iphoto books. I think the boys and girls in class will benefit from the visuals.

Anonymous said

at 3:18 pm on Oct 2, 2008

I am so excited to try the visual prompts for my kids- especially my boys. The flickr slide shows will really help. Thanks for providing the time to try these tools out- it really helped!

Anonymous said

at 3:18 pm on Oct 2, 2008

Never imessage during a workshop! No, I have had a great time working with my peers and the tech coaches. I will be trying BackTalk, photo slide shows, and contact sheets for writing starters or for inspiration. The big piece I will try to take away from today is to remember to keep drawing and illustrations in the composing part of writing to not only help engage my boys but to engage my girls as well! Thank you!

Anonymous said

at 3:24 pm on Oct 2, 2008

I really enjoyed the day. For so long I have been against kids wasting their time drawing pictures and I felt bad about it but... now I can confirm what I know is that boys especially need to draw to help with their thinking. I plan on using many of things we did today in my classroom. My first plan is to show my apple pictures on the computer with music and then have them write about apples. I think the computer will help my students move to a new level. I look forward to the next class. Amy has already offered to help me redo my current wiki so it is easier for the kids to use. Thanks

Anonymous said

at 4:22 pm on Jan 12, 2009

Class was great! I am excited to make my own podcast with my students. It was so helpful to be able to have the time to put one together on our own. I have so many resources at my fingertips, I am anxious to put them all to use. Thanks so much for all your help!

Anonymous said

at 4:18 pm on Jan 13, 2009

I can't wait to try podcasting with my kids. I am going to use it as an aid in fluency awareness and also to help drive writing with details. I anticipate my students wanting to create detailed writing when they know it will be shared via this great technology. Thanks for the help and great ideas!

Anonymous said

at 4:18 pm on Jan 13, 2009

Class was informative today. I appreciate all the time to try out new stuff. I am excited to try the poscast...as well as play around with the website. Thanks for everything!

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